Podcast #86 - Spring 2009 Part 2

Released: 2009-10-12

Total time: 1:17:28

ZIP 76.1 MB

An energetic Nemo featured a Waful-less "Earth Minute", a nod to the Earth Hour that occurred earlier that evening. Ride On Pony is an older Jake original from before his time with UM, that was first debuted in April.
01   Nothing Too Fancy* >     10:10  ||  10.1 MB 2009.04.03 Penn's Peak - Jim Thorpe, PA, USA
02   Roulette     11:50  ||  11.7 MB 2009.04.03 Penn's Peak - Jim Thorpe, PA, USA
03   The Crooked One** >     13:54  ||  13.6 MB 2009.03.26 Liberty Hall - Lawrence, KS, USA
04   Partyin' Peeps     7:56  ||  7.9 MB 2009.03.26 Liberty Hall - Lawrence, KS, USA
05   Nemo     11:54  ||  11.7 MB 2009.03.28 Minglewood Hall - Memphis, TN, USA
06   Plunger >     3:35  ||  3.7 MB 2009.04.08 Calvin Theatre - Northampton, MA, USA
07   "Jimmy Stewart"^ >     10:59  ||  10.8 MB 2009.04.08 Calvin Theatre - Northampton, MA, USA
08   Plunger     3:48  ||  3.9 MB 2009.04.08 Calvin Theatre - Northampton, MA, USA
09   Ride On Pony^^     3:22  ||  3.5 MB 2009.05.24 Summer Camp - Chillicothe, IL, USA
  • * with Prophecy Now tease
  • ** with March of the S.O.D. (Stormtroopers of Death) and Young Lust (Pink Floyd) jams
  • ^ with lyrics
  • ^^ with Brendan and Jake on acoustics, Mike Racky on pedal steel